Dilma Rousseff calls for support to overcome crises governors

Dilma Rousseff calls for support to overcome crises governors -

President of Dilma Rousseff , sought help from the governors of the 27 federal states to address the call "agenda bomb", a set of measures contrary to the interests of the executive that Congress is preparing to discuss, in the context of the political crisis in the country over allegations of corruption that dot the government and . the delicate situation of the economy

"We know that economic stability is very important and is a responsibility of all, the Union (central government) should take that process and take their needs and conditions, and at the same time, we believe that, as some measures affect states and the country, governors must participate, "Rousseff told regional leaders.

" I have some legislative projects serious impact and in some situations assumed impact in public money vetoing (contrary to the policy of austerity laws); All these measures will impact on all states, without a shadow of doubt, "he said.

The" agenda bomb "will begin to be discussed in the first week of August, when the parliamentary recess ends today, and is composed by initiatives in which most lawmakers oppose the measures requested by the Executive in order to improve tax collection.

One is the return of taxes on wages, claimed by the government and whose approval was delayed and questioned by Congress.

Another is attempting to allow the repatriation of money Brazilians abroad that has not been declared to tax authorities. the idea of ​​Finance Minister Joaquim Levy, is that copper State fines and taxes by the recovery of money. This project has also been questioned.

Moreover, it is almost certain that Congress will approve a salary increase of up to 78 percent for Public Ministry officials (OTP), equal to sanctioned weeks ago to judiciary officials, which was vetoed by the president.

the Executive justified the veto which, if applied, the measure would have on the public finances equivalent impact about 7,570 million dollars until 2017.

Similarly, the vetoes helped erode the positive image of Rousseff, who fell to less than nine percent, according to recent surveys.

at that sense, a survey by Ibope released today by the newspaper O Estado de Sao Paulo indicates that the image of the Presidency institution declined in the last year from 44 to 22 percent and stood at the lowest level of the last seven years.

"I do not deny the difficulties, but said the federal government has all the conditions to face the difficulties, challenges and in a much shorter time than some think time, see the resumption of the Brazilian economy" ., said Rousseff before governors

In what was interpreted as a message to opposition groups that promote their political judgment, Rousseff said: "I personally know withstand pressure and even injustices, and that is something that any leader has to be trained and know that part of their actions. "

in this context, the opposition leader and former presidential candidate Aécio Neves, the party Social Democracy (PSDB), said a week ago that was broken dialogue with a government "dominated by corruption" against which called for a mobilization on August 16, which will have the flag the request for impeachment Rousseff ago.

However, his colleague Geraldo Alckmin , governor of the powerful state St. Paul, said today, before traveling to Brasilia for the meeting with . Rousseff, who did not share the idea of ​​promoting the impeachment of the president

Source: Telam