Chile: two strong earthquakes again feel in Cordoba

Chile: two strong earthquakes again feel in Cordoba -

Five days the earthquake Chile which reached a magnitude of 8.4 degrees on the scale Richter, the region still feeling aftershocks permanent. On Monday, there were two whose measurements exceeded 6 points.

According to published National Emergency Office of the Ministry of Interior and Public Security (Onemi), at 12.37 there was an earthquake of 6.0 degrees on the Richter scale in the regions of Coquimbo and Valparaiso.

Two hours later, at 14.38, returned to shake the ground. In this case, the movement was rated earthquake "more intense" for having reached 6.7 degrees. Its epicenter was a few kilometers earlier.

The effects of both movements crossed the mountain range and its waves came to Cordoba, where they were received by residents of different areas of the province.

Up time, Chilean officials reported no damage.

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