Francisco will be "accountable" rapists priests

Francisco will be "accountable" rapists priests -

The Pope Francisco he is "deeply regretted" today for cases of sexual abuse of minors by priests and he pledged to "a jealous vigilance of the Church par protect children" of these crimes and make "all those responsible accountable."

"I have engraved in my heart the stories, the sufferings of children who were sexually abused by priests and I feel very embarrassed for the people who were responsible for the care of these gentle creatures "would inflict this evil, said the pontiff in the framework of the meeting held in Philadelphia with the invited bishops to the World meeting of Families.

"the sins of child sexual abuse can not be kept silent for longer. I agree to the jealous vigilance of the Church to protect children and that all those responsible shall be accountable, "he said in a speech in Spanish in St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia .

The pope arrived there after meeting "with a group of people abused children."

"survivors of abuse have become true harbingers of hope and ministers of mercy. We owe them and their families our gratitude for their courage to shine the light of Christ over evil of child abuse, "said

Source:. Telam

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