Michele Bachelet announces constitutional reform in Chile

Michele Bachelet announces constitutional reform in Chile -

Chilean President Michelle Bachelet , announced the start of the development of a new Constitution in order to eliminate any trace of dictatorship and as part of a hard plan of anti-corruption measures, and the parties of the center-right opposition described the initiative as an attempt to divert attention from the latter question it is in crisis all political sectors.
in a broadcast last night by national radio and television message, Bachelet said that will drive a profound legal reform to end "irregularities, corruption and lack of ethics" made manifest in the recent scandals that undermined public confidence in the political class, the business world and in personal his.
also predicted that in September, when Chile celebrates the Month of the country, open to the public process will begin with the to approve a new constitution to replace the current one, which still contains loopholes of the dictatorship.
"I want to announce that in September we will begin the constitutional process, open to the public, which should lead to the new constitution, fully democratic and citizen that we all deserve, "stressed the head of state.
This initiative, the most important program that Bachelet was re-elected in 2013, it will be the culmination of a deep political reform, which played an important milestone Monday with the cancellation of "distorting the popular will," and now also aims to end "irregularities, corruption and lack of ethics" electoral system, said the president.
"the task we undertake today will complete naturally with the drafting and adoption of a new constitution, "he said, explaining that the participation of citizens in the drafting of the new constitution, one of the aspects that will debate suscitado- . "through dialogues, debates, consultations and town meetings"
"We expected to see clearly a roadmap regarding the agenda of probity and transparency; however, yesterday the government decided to eclipse all and that we are debating today about a constitutional process that we know very well what is going to try, "said the secretary general of the Independent Democratic Union (UDI, right).
Ramirez, head of the party that supported the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet (1973-0), said he felt that "the announcement of the constitutional process opaque the work of the Commission (corruption, headed by economist Eduardo) Engel" and "is an ad should not be done yesterday and by this means and thus a bit ambiguous. "
the constitutional reform" would not have anything to do with the agenda of transparency and probity, in fact it is not in the report of the Engel Commission, therefore, we understand that the government wants to divert attention from the main issue, "said Ramirez.
Meanwhile, Luis Mayor, vice president of the other party of the Alliance, National Renovation (RN, center-right), said that this force is willing "to discuss constitutional issues, but within a fairly strict and institutional framework", but added that no part of "something that will make listening to citizens, with town meetings" which, he said, did not know "what are or what it is. "
deputy Nicolás Monckeberg, RN, said that" changes to the Constitution are too relevant to democracy and to raise them in the tail of the speeches (dedicated to anti-corruption) and also to do with it a pun. "
also questioned the president's proposition of a process" open to the public, through dialogues, debates, consultations and town meetings ", without making clear whether it represents or not an assembly constituent.
the deputy called Bachelet to define whether you want to make an "institutional" process or "a constituent outside the institutions, where every state of current law legitimizes" prohibiting the convening of such meetings.
"If someone feels the temptation of populist governments, ignoring all institutions and that a de facto power is the one that determines a new constitution, is a terrible mistake," he concluded Monckeberg.
Meanwhile, Bachelet today sent urgently to Congress a bill to end the re-election indefinitely senators, congressmen and other elected by popular vote, as part of their proposals for political reform in the country.
also asked quickly to an approach on the "probity in the civil service "provision seeking to extend, regulate and increase the statements of interests and assets of all Chilean authorities.
About the end of unlimited re-election, as governed today, Bachelet stated that senators can be ratified for once, ie for a maximum of 16 years, while deputies, mayors, councilors and regional councilors it can be up to twice, or a maximum of 12 years.
"A modern democracy means greater participation, high transparency , best games, a representative electoral system and term limits of the authorities, "argued the president

. Source: Telam

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